November 16 Deliverables
November 16th Deliverables
This document fufills the sixth set of deliverables to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) as part of the Systemic Improvement Plan. At the Boston School Committee meeting on Novemeber 16, 2022, the Council of Great City Schools presented their recommendations related to Special Education.The review team conducted an on-site visit in August, including interviews with internal and external stakeholders and extensive document review. Additional virtual interviews were conducted in September. Following this presentation, the district has begun to implement these recommendations and prepare an implementation plan to be shared with the broader BPS community. The work ahead demands our focus and a coordinated approach to ensure the best possible experience for our students, in particular students with disabilities, multilingual learners with disabilities, and our families.
Special Education
- The Superintendent will make a public report to the Boston School Committee on the recommendations from the mutually agreed upon entity or team advising the Superintendent.