December 31 Deliverables
December 31st Deliverables
This document fulfills our eighth and final submission related to Facilities. In the fall of 2022, Boston Public Schools (BPS) and the City of Boston Public Facilities Department (PFD) launched a School Design Study, a set of programming and design recommendations to guide and accelerate future capital investments. These recommendations were grounded in community engagement feedback on what makes a high quality student experience. The Long-Term Facilities Plan outlines the process for decision-making on capital investments in the district over the long term. It sets forth a decision-making rubric based in the School Design Study and community input to help guide decisions about where we invest resources in facilities to support making the BPS High-Quality Student Experience accessible for every child. We look forward to engaging with the broader BPS community on this plan and incorporating that feedback as we move forward.
- Create and implement a comprehensive, long-term master facilities plan, incorporating the recommendations of the Facilities Conditions Assessment, expected to be complete by the beginning of SY23-24.