Boston Pre-K Settings
Boston Pre-K (previously known as UPK) is offered in four unique school settings: Boston Public Schools, Community-Based Organizations, Independent Schools, and Family Child Care. With Boston Pre-K available in multiple locations, your family can find the perfect place that fits your needs. Visit for an interactive map in which you can filter the programs that offer Boston Pre-K seats.
Preview Sessions
All Boston Pre-K providers will offer preview sessions for families to visit potential sites, meet educators, and find the program that best fits their family’s needs. Find the dates below:
- Community providers (CBOs, Independent Schools and Family Child Care) preview sessions
- Boston Public Schools preview sessions
Choosing the Right Boston Pre-K School For Your Child
Use the table below to explore and understand which school setting will best meet your child's unique needs.
Boston Pre-K Pathways
Boston Pre-K provides Boston children with various educational pathways, allowing families to choose what works best for them. Below are some of the many options available for your child's journey to kindergarten.