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Apply to Boston Pre-K

Step 1: Make sure your child meets the eligibility criteria for Boston Pre-K

A child is eligible for Boston Pre-K if they are:

  •  3 or 4 years old by September 1 of the school year they are applying to
  • Resident of the City of Boston

Step 2: Identify the programs you are interested in

Visit to explore all the programs in the city that offer Boston Pre-K seats. Be sure to click on the "Filter" option and select "Boston Pre-K" to see only the programs that provide these seats.

Not sure which type of program is best for your family? Check out this comparison table to learn about the differences between settings like Boston Public Schools, Family Child Care, and Independent Schools.

If your child has specialized education needs, you can also use this resource to understand how each program may support them.

Step 3: Apply

For the school year 2025-2026 there will be two application processes, both opening on January 6, 2025:

  • Boston Public Schools. Apply here. Learn more about the registration process at BPS here. 
  • Community Providers. Apply here

A family can choose to apply to one, or both. A family will need to fill out each application separately if they want to be considered for both.  Please note that if a family chooses to apply to both a community provider and a Boston Public School, they may receive separate offers for each. Accepting or registering for one offer does not affect eligibility or placement for the other, provided both options are available.

The dates and registration processes for each school setting can be seen below: 

Boston Pre-K BPS vs. Community ProvidersRegistration Process Comparison Chart

Priority Registration for Community Providers

Families who are already enrolled at a Boston Pre-K CBO, FCC, or Independent School provider and want to remain at their current site will have priority registration. 

Priority Registration is open from November 15 to January 6. 

If you qualify for Priority Registration, please contact your current provider. They will guide you through the steps to submit your Priority Registration application.


If you have questions about the registration process at Community-Based OrganizationsFamily Child Care, and Independent Schools, you may contact the Boston Pre-K Office with any questions at 617-635-1507 or Translation options are available upon request.

If you have questions about the registration process at Boston Public Schools, you may contact Boston Public Schools, Welcome Services, with any questions at 617-635-9010. Translation options are available upon request.

“Boston Pre-K has been the perfect transition for my son from his small and loving home childcare to a more traditional school environment. The hands-on teaching staff, diverse peer group, and focus on play and exploration have contributed immensely to his growth over the past year. He has acquired important literacy and numeracy skills, but has also become a more confident learner, a deeply curious thinker, and a better friend through his Boston Pre-K experience. The highlight of our day is when he opens his backpack to present me with the artwork and projects he created which showcase his learning and enthusiasm in a tangible way. In addition, we have been thoroughly impressed with the Boston Pre-K teaching team.”

- Sarah Olia, Boston Pre-K parent, 2021