In the Boston Public Schools, we believe the schools must invite parents and students to become partners in planning, leadership, and development. Together we can ensure a quality education for every child and better reflect the communities we serve.
The School Parent Council
All schools should have a School Parent Council (SPC). The SPC brings all parents in the school community together to support the school and advocate for quality education. Every parent or guardian of a BPS student is automatically a member of the School Parent Council. The SPC works closely with the School Site Council to review the school’s budget, recommend programs, sponsor events, solve problems, and raise funds for special school activities. If your school does not have an active School Parent Council, you can help create one! Contact the School, Family & Community Engagement Unit of the Office of Advancement, 617-635-7750, for assistance and support.
The School Site Council
Many decisions affecting the education of BPS students are made in schools. School-based decision-making is the responsibility of the School Site Council. For example, School Site Councils hire teachers (in some cases), approve school rules, review school budget, and decide if students will wear uniforms. The School Site Council also may request waivers from some BPS policies. Parents are important members of these councils.