Department of Safety Services
The Department of Safety Services, including Emergency Management and the Boston School Police, was formed in order to help create and maintain a safe and welcoming environment in all school buildings. Safety Services was developed in the late 1970’s and the Emergency Management component followed in the mid 1980’s to address the dynamic safety climate throughout the world.
Who We Are
We are comprised of an Executive Director, Director, Chief and Assistant Chief of Boston School Police(BSP), 75 BSP Officers, and one essential administrative coordinator. Our officers in school buildings function as Special Officers with powers authorized by Rule 400a, governed by the Boston Police Department. The Director is responsible for emergency management to include: oversight of school safety plans, emergency drills, and general building safety
What We Do
We are a proactive organization enjoying the support of the Superintendent and school communities who recognize the important role Boston School Police(BSP) plays in supporting the safety and advancement of our students. The goal of the safety services team is to provide and maintain a safe learning environment for students and staff through daily communication and collaboration with school leaders, staff, families and partners. Our team is committed to ensuring a safe school community in partnership with other BPS departments, local law enforcement and municipal agencies, non-profit community based organizations, faith-based organizations, and residential and business communities.
Quick Links
Department of Safety Services/BSP Dispatch
(request assistance, report all incidents, and all other safety related inquiries)