This guidance outlines the isolation and exposure protocols for managing respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and other common respiratory infections. It is designed to provide clear and actionable steps to help reduce the spread of these illnesses, protect student health and safety of our school communities.
Stay home when experiencing respiratory illness symptoms. Know when your child is well enough to go to school and when they should stay home. Your child should stay home if they have fever, vomiting, diarrhea and respiratory symptoms that are either not improving or getting worse.
Staying up to date with vaccination to protect people against serious illness, hospitalization, and death. This includes flu, COVID-19, and RSV if eligible.
Practicing good hygiene by covering coughs and sneezes, washing or sanitizing hands often, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
Schools are supplied with disposable masks in sizes for students and staff
Taking steps for cleaner air, such as providing every classroom with an air purifier and monitoring indoor air quality.
Symptom Checklist
An individual must stay home if they have any of the following symptoms:
Fever (100.0° Fahrenheit or higher), chills or shaking chills
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
New loss of taste or smell
Muscle aches or body aches
Cough (not due to other known cause)
Vomiting or diarrhea
An individual must stay home if they have any of the following symptoms AND at least one of the above symptoms:
Sore throat
Nasal congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies)