The Re-Engagement Center is meeting with students in person and virtually.
Please call or email for an appointment.
The Re-Engagement Center (REC) is the only Boston Public Schools program that targets dropouts. The REC has a caring staff and offers students access to the resources and counseling they need to re-enroll in school and get back on track to graduate. One of the first programs of its kind in the nation, the REC has found that dropouts want to come back to school and can succeed when given the right support. It is a partnership between the Boston Public Schools and the Boston Private Industry Council (PIC).
Staff at the REC reach out to young people who have dropped out of high school. It all begins with a conversation, staff sharing their own story, and listening to the young person. Next, the staff helps students determine the best fit, whether it is a high school in the district or an alternative program with a non-profit partner, and help them enroll. The REC re-enrolls more than 300 dropouts annually, connecting them with appropriate school placements while providing returnees the personal support to succeed.
The Re-Engagement Center has transitioned to having student intake meetings by appointment only. We acknowledge that this is a change from the past, but we intend to improve our services for students, families, and school partners. Walk-ins are welcome during our regular hours of operation to get general information and to set up an appointment.
REC Services:
- Outreach to dropouts via mail, phone, and door knocking
- Review transcripts to give students a picture of what they need to complete school
- Referral to online credit recovery, night school, and day and summer school classes
- Help students enroll in an appropriate BPS high school or an alternative program
- GED program referral
- Follow-up with students after placement
- Connections to various support services within the community
- Life and career workshops
Welcome Video:
School Referral Form (For use by school staff only)
Please be advised that the Re-Engagement Center process does not officially begin until the student/guardian contacts the Re-Engagement center to schedule the intake meeting.
Students/Guardians can contact the Re- Engagement Center the following ways:
- By using Calendly to set up an intake meeting
- By emailing us at
- By Calling us at 617-635-2273 (CARE)
REC Referral Link (For school staff use only)
55 Malcolm X Blvd.
Roxbury, MA 02120
- By using Calendly to set up an intake meeting
- By emailing us at
- By Calling us at 617-635-2273 (CARE)