School Resources
School Resources
Policy and Guides:
BPS OLAS Memorandum Services Protocol: This document provides the policy and procedures related to the available translation and interpretation services in the District.
OLAS Telephonic (over-the-phone) Interpretation Policy
Point to Your Language Poster: This resource allows individuals with limited English proficiency to identify their language in order to receive support in that language.
Available Telephonic Language Listing: Listing of the available languages offered through the Lionbridge Telephonic Service.
OLAS Interpretation Equipment Rental Policy & Procedure This policy explains how to request and obtain interpretation equipment as well as the borrowers' responsibilities.
Translation & Interpretation School-Based Administrator Training: This webinar provides information specific to the responsibility of school leaders to ensure BPS parents/guardians are provided access to essential information in a language they can understand.
OLAS Request Reminders and Considerations Memorandum 2/10/2023: Please read this memorandum to understand what you must remember and consider when requesting translation/interpretation services to mitigate potential challenges or infringements of parents' rights.
- OLAS Request Reminders and Considerations Memorandum - 11/4/2023
Support Materials
- Parent Rights to Translation and Interpretation Services Poster: This poster is REQUIRED to be displayed in high parent-visibility locations (i.e., front and rear entry, main office, etc.) to inform non-English speaking or limited English proficient families of available translation and interpretation services. The poster is available in two different sizes, 8.5"x11" and 12"x16."
- All-In-One Services Poster - This poster provides quick access to information about the Parent Toolkit, Parent website, the Feedback form, and BPS Helpline
EL Student Fact Sheet:to ensure English Learner students can participate meaningfully and equally in educational programs
LEP Parent Fact Sheet: This fact sheet answers common questions about the rights of parents and guardians who do not speak, listen, read, or write English proficiently because it is not their primary language.
OLAS Brochures: The District Translation and Interpretation brochure details the available language access services and how to access them.
OLAS I-Speak Card Templates: This resource provides access to I-Speak Card templates in the nine major languages of the District to print out and make available to families so they can easily seek out support in their preferred language and/or identify the language they speak.
- I-Speak Card by Language: Arabic, Cabo Verdiano, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese
Important Document to Translate Notice: This resource provides schools with language to add to documents that need translation, which are distributed to families.
Parent /Guardian Language Access Feedback Form: This resource allows parents/guardians the ability to provide feedback on district language access services. The printable forms are available in all 10 BPS languages.
Parent Language Access Waiver Form: Limited English Proficient Parents refusing services who don't want to change their Parent Language Preference should complete this form.
Parent Preferred Language of Communication Change Request Form: Limited English Proficient parents/guardians who want to change their "Parent Language Preference" should complete this form.
- Consent for Telephonic Interpretation Services Form: To grant permission for the utilization of the Telephonic (over-the-phone) interpretation service during an IEP or similar Special Education specific meeting, please have the parent/guardian complete this form,
Veoci Request Portal "How To" Tutorial: The slide deck provides individuals, schools, and central office personnel with Veoci visual tutorials to support the translation and/or interpretation request submission process.
Veoci How To Request Services Video Tutorial: Visual walkthrough of requesting services via Veoci.
GenEd Glossary: General Education specific terms and their definitions.
T&I Style Guide: Guide that provides guidelines and guidance for how BPS-related documents should be presented (i.e., translated) from a language perspective. (Note: Document being finalized and will be attached when completed)
Tools and Resources for Ensuring Meaningful Access to Communication with Limited English Proficient Parents: This is a Department of Education Resource.
Frequently Asked Questions on Legal Requirements to Provide Language Access Services: This is a Migration Policy Institute Resource