BPS Bullying Prevention and Intervention Activities
The Bullying Prevention and Intervention Initiative is a joint effort between Boston Public Schools and Bullying Prevention and Research Institute (BPRI) at Education Development Center, Inc.
Guides for School Personnel and Parents
Bullying Prevention: A Guide for School Personnel and Parents
This guide prepares parents, guardians, and school personnel to talk with students about bullying. It provides strategies for working together to respond effectively to bullying and to create a bullying-free environment.
Bullying Prevention: A Guide for Parents of Students with Disabilities
This guide helps prepare parents and guardians of children with disabilities to talk with their children about bullying. It provides strategies for responding effectively when children are bullied and for including these strategies in children’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Bullying Prevention & Intervention: A Guide for the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team
This guide provides the IEP Team with critical information for addressing the issue of bullying for students on an IEP. It includes: (1) Information on bullying legislation and its relevance for students with disabilities; (2) Parents’/guardians’ rights and expectations about bullying prevention and intervention for students with an IEP, including questions parents may use to prepare for IEP Team meetings; and (3) School personnel’s roles and responsibilities for helping students with disabilities who are on an IEP develop social and emotional skills for bullying prevention and intervention.
Embedding Bullying Prevention in Core Curriculum: A Teacher's Guide K - 12
This guide helps teachers integrate important messages about bullying prevention into their everyday instruction. It helps teachers generate ideas for instruction that will help students in grades K–12 learn about the issues of bullying and bullying prevention. It provides short sample activities, adaptable for elementary, middle, and high school, in the subject areas of English Language Arts, World and U.S. History, Current Events, and Life Sciences.
Saturdays for Success Program Guide: A Bullying Intervention and Prevention Program for Students
This guide provides the program rationale, goals, and description along with the specific information on program structure, staffing, and procedures for implementation. This is a unique bullying prevention and intervention program that provides skills and strategies for all students—bullies, victims, and bystanders. A Supplementary Facilitator’s Manual includes detailed lesson plans for eight weekly sessions.
BPS Safe Space & Bullying Prevention Hotline
617-592-2378 (call or text)