Financial Check-Up
What is a Financial Check-Up?
The Financial Check-Up is a 15-minute, one-on-one session with a trained financial guide who will:
- Pull your credit report (this “soft pull” will not affect your credit score)
- Review your credit status with you
- Give advice on how to manage costs, cut debt, and build credit
- Connect you with free, long-term financial coaching, if interested
The Financial Check-Up is given by the Center for Working Families, an agency within the City of Boston that helps residents boost their financial health. This work is part of Boston Builds Credit’s goal of helping 25,000 residents reach a prime credit score – a score that will help them borrow money at better interest rates.
Who can get the Financial Check-Up?
Any Boston resident can get a Financial Check-Up. You do not even need a Social Security Number (SSN). (If you do not have an SSN, your Financial Check-Up just won’t include your credit report.)
Learn more and make an appointment at