Have you adjusted back to your students' school year routines? (Ex: Sleep Schedule, Homework Schedule?)
Have you received your student’s transportation assignment for the 2024-2025 school year?
Have you reviewed your student’s bus stop location, route assignment, as well as pick-up and drop off times?
Have you downloaded the Zum App on your smartphone to track the real-time location of your student’s yellow school bus for the 2024-2025 school year?
Have you updated the contact information that you have on file with your student’s school? (Phone, Email, Mailing Address)
Have you downloaded ParentSquare to get alerts, updates, and important information about your school and BPS Central Office, including our family newsletter “BPS Beyond the Bell”?
Have you shared copies of your student’s most recent physical examination and immunizations with your school nurse or school leader?
Has your student completed their Summer Homework Assignments? (Ex: Reading Logs, Math Packets)
Have you checked on your student’s school supplies list? (Supplies Lists can vary by school. If you have a question about your students’ supply list, please call the main phone number of your school, which can be found on the School Listings page here.)
Kindergarten through Grade 1 Students and Families: Have you written your student’s name, your name, address, phone number, and name of the school on the back of an index card or tag ?