• The Boston School Committee

    The Boston School Committee is the governing body of the Boston Public Schools. The School Committee is responsible for:

    • Defining the vision, mission, and goals of the Boston Public Schools;

    • Establishing and monitoring the annual operating budget;

    • Hiring, managing, and evaluating the Superintendent; and

    • Setting and reviewing district policies and practices to support student achievement.  

    Upcoming Hybrid School Committee Meeting


    Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 5.15 p.m.

    Please note that the Executive Session starts at 5.15 pm and the Public Meeting at 6 pm.


    Meeting Materials 

    Click this link to join the zoom webinar

    Public Comment:  Please sign up here to testify. Public Comment will close at 4 p.m. on the meeting day. Written testimony can be emailed to lparvex@bostonpublicschools.org for distribution to the Committee. If testifying virtually, please unmute yourself and turn on your camera when it is your turn to testify. Only speakers who turn on their camera will be allowed to testify; speakers who do not wish to be on camera can submit their testimony in writing. Speakers are asked to begin their remarks by stating their name, affiliation, and neighborhood of residence.  Speakers must sign in to the Zoom meeting using the same name they used to sign up for public comment.


    Interpretation: Simultaneous interpretation services will be provided virtually throughout the meeting in Spanish, Cabo Verdean, Haitian Creole, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, and American Sign Language (ASL). When you join the meeting, look for the interpretation icon (the globe) at the bottom of your screen and select your language preference. To request interpretation services in a language other than those listed above, please email a request to lparvex@bostonpublicschools.org at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Every effort will be made to fulfill the request. However, services cannot be guaranteed. 

    A video recording will be posted on the City of Boston's YouTube channel and at bostonpublicschools.org/schoolcommittee.


Contact Us

  • Boston School Committee
    Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building
    2300 Washington Street
    Roxbury, MA  02119
    (617) 635-9014
    *The Chamber has a capacity of 202 people.