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Wait Lists


Dorchester Welcome Center will be open On Saturday, January 11, and January 25 from 9-1 pm for registration, transfers and change of address.

No appointments are needed.

If you don’t get your first choice school, BPS will try to assign your child to one of your other choices. Your child will also be placed on one or more waitlists based on the rules below.

Students who Registered or Submitted a Transfer Application for the 2025-2026 School Year, on or Before April 4, 2025

  • Students will be on all waitlists for schools ranked higher than their assigned school until August 1, 2025. During this time, students will be assigned to schools from their waitlists as seats become available.
  • After August 1, 2025, students will automatically remain on only one waitlist. This will be the waitlist for their highest ranked school, unless a parent contacts a Welcome Center to specify a different school to remain on the waitlist.
  • Through July 2025, if a seat becomes available, students will be automatically moved into a higher-ranked school off the waitlist.
  • If you are happy with your child’s assignment and do not want your child moved into a higher-ranked school, please contact a Welcome Center to remove your child form any waitlists.
  • You can call or visit a Welcome Center at any time to learn of your child’s rank on the waitlist.
  • Please ensure your phone number and email address are up-to-date in our system. If we do not have an accurate phone number and/or email address, we will not be able to contact your family if a seat opens up, and we will offer the seat to the next student on the waitlist.

Students who Register or Submit a Transfer Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year, Received After April 4, 2025

  • Students will automatically be placed on the waitlist for their highest-ranked school.
  • You can call or visit a Welcome Center at any time to learn of your child’s rank on the waitlist.
  • Please ensure your phone number and email address are up-to-date in our system. If we do not have an accurate phone number and/or email address, we will not be able to contact your family if a seat opens up, and we will offer the seat to the next student on the waitlist.
Waitlists for the 2024-2025 school year expired November 30, 2024, for grades 1-12 and will expire on January 31, 2025, for grades K0-K2.
Waitlists for the 2025-2026 school year expire November 30, 2025, for grades 1-12 and January 31, 2026, for grades K0-K2.
*Please note that a student's position on a waitlist is not guaranteed and is subject to change. Students may move up or down on a waitlist at any time. For student privacy, BPS is not able to provide specific reasons why a student has moved up or down on a waitlist. However, these reasons may include (but are not limited to): siblings who were not previously linked and students changing educattional programs within a school.