High Schools
Boston Public Schools offers a number of different high school options, each of which includes a wide variety of programs. Most of our high schools serve grades 7 through 12, and all BPS high schools are city-wide, which means that every student living in Boston is eligible to apply for any BPS high school. Please note, however, that some schools do have special admission requirements. Below is more information on how to find schools that are a good fit for you and how to apply to those schools.
Where can I learn about each of these schools?
For information about BPS Secondary Schools, also known as High Schools, please visit the GUIDE TO HIGH SCHOOL CHOICE This is an excellent tool to learn about the types of offerings available to students. Or, to learn more about your options:
- Go to DiscoverBPS.org and sort your school options by the programs and school features that best fit your needs.
- Explore each school’s website - BPS School Directory.
- Visit each school in person or remotely during School Preview Times, or contact each school directly by phone or email to schedule other tour times.
- How many schools should I list on my registration form?
- What does “Additional Application Requirements” or “Special Admissions” mean?
- How is the choice process different for schools with additional requirements?
- What about the exam schools?
- What about charter schools?
- When will I be informed of my assigned school?
- What is Boston Public School's policy on International Exchange Students?