Exam Schools Admissions FAQs
Application Process
- Will BPS continue to work with an external third-party organization regarding the admission process?
- Will BPS consider all BPS students for admission, including Students with Disabilities and English Learner students?
- Are all families required to confirm their Boston residency?
- Is my child required to take an admissions test?
- Are current exam school students eligible to apply for admissions to a different exam school?
- Are students able to apply to the John D. O’Bryant School for grade 10?
Will BPS continue to work with an external third-party organization regarding the admission process?
Will BPS consider all BPS students for admission, including Students with Disabilities and English Learner students?
Are all families required to confirm their Boston residency?
Is my child required to take an admissions test?
Are current exam school students eligible to apply for admissions to a different exam school?
Are students able to apply to the John D. O’Bryant School for grade 10?
School Choice Process
- How do I provide my preferences for the three exam schools?
- Why are families required to submit school rankings before we know if our child is eligible to apply?
- Can I rank other BPS schools, other than exam schools, on the School Choice Form?
How do I provide my preferences for the three exam schools?
Why are families required to submit school rankings before we know if our child is eligible to apply?
Can I rank other BPS schools, other than exam schools, on the School Choice Form?
Additional Points
- How will the district determine which BPS students qualify for the additional 15 points based on homelessness, being in the care of the Department of Children and Families, or residing in public housing?
- How will the district determine which applicants not currently attending BPS will qualify for the additional 15 points based on homelessness, DCF custody, or public housing?
- How will the district determine which students qualify for the additional points based on schools that have 40% or more economically disadvantaged families enrolled?
- What are the criteria for “economically disadvantaged” families?
- Are there any BPS schools that do not qualify for the additional points?
- Will students attending private, parochial, commonwealth charter, METCO program schools, or being home-schooled have the opportunity to qualify for the additional points?
- Is it possible for students to have a composite score of over 100 with the additional points?
How will the district determine which BPS students qualify for the additional 15 points based on homelessness, being in the care of the Department of Children and Families, or residing in public housing?
How will the district determine which applicants not currently attending BPS will qualify for the additional 15 points based on homelessness, DCF custody, or public housing?
How will the district determine which students qualify for the additional points based on schools that have 40% or more economically disadvantaged families enrolled?
What are the criteria for “economically disadvantaged” families?
Are there any BPS schools that do not qualify for the additional points?
Will students attending private, parochial, commonwealth charter, METCO program schools, or being home-schooled have the opportunity to qualify for the additional points?
Is it possible for students to have a composite score of over 100 with the additional points?
Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Will students participating in advanced courses (i.e. Advanced Work Class, Advanced Placement, or Honor classes) receive additional points in the GPA calculation process?
- Why does an A+ have the same point value as an A?
- How will BPS convert the student marks?
Will students participating in advanced courses (i.e. Advanced Work Class, Advanced Placement, or Honor classes) receive additional points in the GPA calculation process?
Why does an A+ have the same point value as an A?
How will BPS convert the student marks?
Selection Process
- If I rank the exam schools on the school choice form, and my child does not receive an invitation, will my child lose their current seat at BPS?
- If I rank the exam schools on the school choice form, and my child receives an invitation, will my child lose their current seat at BPS?
- Will the exam schools have wait lists?
- Does the invitation process consider sibling preference?
- How is the 70/30 split determined using the student’s test scores and GPA?
If I rank the exam schools on the school choice form, and my child does not receive an invitation, will my child lose their current seat at BPS?
If I rank the exam schools on the school choice form, and my child receives an invitation, will my child lose their current seat at BPS?
Will the exam schools have wait lists?
Does the invitation process consider sibling preference?
How is the 70/30 split determined using the student’s test scores and GPA?
Socio Economics Tiers
- What is the process for updating these tiers?
- The 2020 Census data includes new geographic boundaries for the Census tracts used to assign tiers. When do you expect to produce tiers that use the new Census tract boundaries?
- Are you able to share the model used to assign tiers? What census data factors are used and how are they weighted?
- Will the model be re-estimated each year? If so, will that include the selection of new model factors or will only the weights be updated?