SY22-23 Exam School Invitation Summary
On Friday, April 29, 2022, the BPS Office of Welcome Services sent out invitations for students enrolling in exam schools in SY22-23. This memo summarizes the applicant pool and invitations sent. In June 2022, a more comprehensive review of the exam schools policy, as applied in school year 21-22, will be presented to the School Committee.
An analysis by the BPS Office of Data and Accountability showed that the new Exam School policy increased the diversity of those invited to attend the district’s three exam schools - Boston Latin School, Boston Latin Academy, and the John D. O’Bryant School of Math and Science. When compared to grade 7 invitations sent for the 2020-2021 school year, historically underrepresented groups of students received an increased percentage of invitations: students experiencing housing insecurity, in the care of the Department of Children and Families or living in housing owned by the Boston Housing Authority (+6 percentage points); economically disadvantaged students (+10 percentage points); English learners (+5 percentage points); and students with disabilities (+3 percentage points). Approximately 76% of invitations went to students of color, an increase of 16 percentage points from SY20-21 invitations.