No school assignments are made until the close of each registration round, so a family that registers on the first day of their registration period has no advantage over a family that registers on the last day of the same period just because they registered earlier.
Only students applying for Kindergarten (K0-K2), Grade 6, and Grade 9 who registered during the first registration period will be assigned at the close of that round even if their siblings applying for other grades registered at the same time. From the second registration period onward, all students who register in a round will be assigned following the close of that period.
At the close of every registration period, our assignment computer program (algorithm) matches students to seats based on their priorities (if applicable), their random number, and the number of seats available in the grade desired at each school in the order they were ranked on that student's application. There are fewer open seats after each passing period, so families should try their best to register children during the first available registration period for their grade.