What is the Equity and Strategy Division?
Superintendent Brenda Cassellius created the BPS Equity and Strategy Division in October 2019. This new division brings many departments together in a common purpose: to ensure that the district places the elimination of disparities, particularly racial disparities, at the center of all of our instructional and operational work. Led by Chief Equity and Strategy Officer Dr. Charles Grandson, the Division comprises vital departments: the Office of Equity, the Office of the Opportunity Gaps, the Office of Recruitment, Cultivation & Diversity, and the Office of Strategy and Innovation. Together, these three Offices ensures every department and every school rigorously realizes the district's comprehensive, ambitious, systemic strategic plan; aligns its work to the BPS Opportunity and Achievement Gap Policy; and designs and implements policies, programs, protocols, and curricula intentionally focused on meeting the needs and advancing the academic outcomes of students from historically marginalized groups.