Welcome to the Mary Lyon Pilot High School
Vision SY22-23: As a fully inclusive environment, the Mary Lyon Upper Campus strives to support the academic, social, and emotional development of every individual to be college, career and life ready.
Mission SY 22-23 The instructional practice at the Mary Lyon Upper Campus is to educate each student as a unique individual ready to meet the challenges of an increasingly diverse and global community. Staff, students, and families collaborate to create the conditions necessary for students to achieve academic, social, and emotional growth. To this end, our students learn strategies to solve problems individually and as members of communities.
It is an honor to lead one of Boston Public Schools newest high schools: the Mary Lyon Pilot High School (MLPHS). The school was approved for functioning by the Boston Public Schools Committee on Wednesday, November 19, 2008, and opened its doors in September 2009. The school is designed as a full inclusion model that accommodates 14 general education students and 6 students with emotional impairments in each classroom.
As a fully inclusive school, the MLPHS is committed to developing strong academic excellence for all students. To achieve this goal, teachers at our school are dually licensed in their content areas and special education. They are therefore able to customize their practices to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students. As such, the MLPHS is committed to the following objective to support student learning:-
A strong core instructional program designed to help all students meet or exceed the academic standards.
Enrichment activities designed to expand students' learning opportunities and to support their cognitive, social, emotional, moral and physical develop-ment.
A strong health and mental health service designed to safeguard students' well-being and remove barriers to learning.
Thank you for your unshaken support in our endeavors; I am looking forward to hearing from you if you have any question about our school.
Best regards,
Dr. Herve Anoh, Head of Schools -