Universal Design for Learning
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Universal Design for Learning
What is Universal Design for Learning?The National Center for Universal Design for Learning defines Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone rather than a one size fits all approach. Universal Design for Learning guides educators to use a flexible approach that can be customized and adjusted for individual needs.www.cast.org/udl/Universal Design for Learning provides a framework to guide teachers in planning lessons that provide multiple means of representation, means of engagement, and multiple means of action and expression.Provide Multiple Meansof RepresentationProvide Multiple Meansof Action and ExpressionProvide Multiple Meansof ExpressionsPerception Physical action Recruiting interest Expression and communication Sustaining effort and persistence Comprehension Executive Functioning Self-regulation CAST (2011). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.0. Wakefield, MA: Author.
Module 1 provides an opportunity for participants to:
http://udlonline.cast.org/page/module1/l131/;jsessionid=1C29C169FAB2C284A185D0346DC5B0FA1. Understand the three principles of UDL2. Define the relationship between the principles and the three primary neural networks that are essential for learning3. Recognize the impact that UDL has when creating and implementing curriculum
Module 2: Applying the UDL Framework to Lesson DevelopmentModule 2 provides an opportunity for participants to:1. Identify barriers and strengths within curricular goals, assessments, materials and methods.2. Apply knowledge of the UDL framework, specifically the UDL Guidelines and UDL principles, to the lesson planning process3. Use these skills to create lessons that maximize learning for all students.http://udlonline.cast.org/page/module2/l192/