• The Special Education Program of West Roxbury Academy provides a continuum of educational services for students identified through Chapter 688 Regulations, the regulatory guidelines of the IDEA Act, and all of the revisions of the No Child Left Behind Act. The department consists of a the Educational Team Facilitator (ETF), Special Education Clerk, a school psychologist, a literacy specialist, certified special needs teachers, paraprofessionals, special needs counselors, and speech and language pathologist. Other services such as physical and occupational therapy, adaptive physical education, and hearing and vision-impaired services are provided as identified in a student Individual Educational Plan (IEP).

    West Roxbury Academy offers a wide variety of opportunities for students to develop and reach their educational and vocational/career goals. An IEP is developed to meet all the needs and interests of our special needs students  in the least restrictive environment in order to help them make a successful transition from school to life after high school. West Roxbury Academy provides courses that are in alignment with the curriculum framework standards, and follow the high school curriculum when applicable. Instruction, curriculum, and assessment are modified to meet the individual student’s needs according to his/her IEP. All course are engaging and challenge the learner to exceed his/her present level of competency without discouraging him/her.

    All classes integrate specific strategies to help student performance on the MCAS. It is our objective to give student’s skills in order to pass the state wide assessment testing either by passing the general MCAS test with/without accommodations or the Alternative Assessment MCAS exam (IEP determined). This is the first step WRA takes in preparing these students for high education.


Contact Us

  • Ms. Watson      
    Ms. Watson
    Special Education Director
    1205 VFW Parkway
    West Roxbury, MA 02132
    Phone: 617-828-1225
    Fax: 617-635-7912