• girl playing on playground
    Problem Solving
    If you have a school-related problem, we want to help solve it! For the fastest resolution to your problem, please call the individuals or offices below in the order listed. If possible, send a written description of your problem. Write down the name of everyone you speak with and keep all documents and letters related to your problem.
    Issues About Your Child’s Learning
    1. Teacher
    2. Principal or Headmaster
    3. Network Superintendent*
    General School Issues
    1. Principal or Headmaster
    2. Network Superintendent*
    School Governance (Parent & School Site Councils)
    1. Principal or Headmaster
    2. Office of Engagement, 617-635-7750
    3. Network Superintendent*
    1. Principal or Headmaster
    2. Operational Leader*
    3. Student Support, 617-635-9060
    1. Principal or Headmaster
    2. Transportation Department, 617-635-9520 or schoolbus@bostonpublicschools.org
    1. Principal or Headmaster
    2. Operational Leader*
    3. 1-877-SCH-SAFE, confidential safety “tip” line
    4. Anti-bullying hotline: (617) 592-2378
    School Assignments, Transfers, and Waiting Lists
    1. School Hot Line, 617-635-9046
    2. Welcome Centers: 617-635-8015, 617-635-8040 or 617-635-9010
    3. Enrollment Services, 617-635-9501
    REMEMBER: Principals and headmasters can’t make or change school assignments or guarantee that your child can attend a certain school.

    School Assignments, Transfers, Waiting Lists, and Residency
    1. School Hot Line, 617-635-9046
    2. Welcome Centers: 617-635-8015, 617-635-8040 or 617-635-9010 
    3. Enrollment Planning & Support, 617-635-9516
    4. Appeals concerning residency policy: Office of Equity, 617-635-9435
    English Language Learners
    1. Teacher
    2. Principal or Headmaster
    3. Newcomer Assessment & Counseling Center, 617-635-1565
    4. Office of English Language Learners, 617-635- 9435
    Special Education
    1. Teacher
    2. Principal or Headmaster
    3. Special Education Office, 617-635-8599
    * Boston schools are organized into networks. Each has a Network Superintendent and an Operational Leader. If you don't know how to contact your Network Superintendent and Operational Leader, ask your school principal/headmaster or call 617-635-9055.
    For questions and concerns about policy matters (which apply to the entire school system rather than a particular student or school), please contact the School Committee office, 617-635-9014.
    Read the BPS Code of Conduct for rules about student behavior.