Rights and Responsibilities
Students have rights that entitle you to a free public education -- and students and parents have responsibilities as a partner! Below is a list of some of your rights as a BPS student. If you have ideas about how to make your school a better place to learn, Speak up! Talk to other students, talk to your teachers and principal. Go to your school site council meeting and let your voice be heard.
You have the right to enter the school building even if you arrive late.
You have the right to enter the school building even if you arrive late.
When you complete the Parent & Student Agreement/Release of Information to Military and Higher Education Recruiters section of the Guide to Boston Public Schools for Families and Students and return it to the school, military recruiters cannot access your personal information.
When you complete the Parent & Student Agreement/Release of Information to Military and Higher Education Recruiters section of the Guide to Boston Public Schools for Families and Students and return it to the school, military recruiters cannot access your personal information.
If for disciplinary reasons you are excluded for more than 10 consecutive school days, you have the right to alternative educational services.
If for disciplinary reasons you are excluded for more than 10 consecutive school days, you have the right to alternative educational services.
Homework should be relevant to the day's lesson and provide preparation for the next day and should be reviewed in class every day.
Homework should be relevant to the day's lesson and provide preparation for the next day and should be reviewed in class every day.
You have the right to participate in decision-making at your school—contact your headmaster about your School Site Council, which must contain two students elected by their peers. School Site Councils make decisions on staffing, budgeting, and school rules.
You have the right to participate in decision-making at your school—contact your headmaster about your School Site Council, which must contain two students elected by their peers. School Site Councils make decisions on staffing, budgeting, and school rules.
You have the right to be treated with respect while walking through metal detectors at school.
You have the right to be treated with respect while walking through metal detectors at school.
Cell phones must remain off and hidden during school. You may use cell phones before or after school hours, outside, or inside.
Cell phones must remain off and hidden during school. You may use cell phones before or after school hours, outside, or inside.
BPS collects student feedback to be used as evidence in educator evaluations.
BPS collects student feedback to be used as evidence in educator evaluations.
Suspension and expulsion should be your administrator’s last resort. You have the right to disciplinary interventions before exclusion from school.
Suspension and expulsion should be your administrator’s last resort. You have the right to disciplinary interventions before exclusion from school.
All high school students have the right to fill out a Student-to-Teacher Constructive Feedback Form for every teacher as a way to give feedback on classroom management and instruction.
All high school students have the right to fill out a Student-to-Teacher Constructive Feedback Form for every teacher as a way to give feedback on classroom management and instruction.
Students have the right to elect a government of their peers by secret ballot, and you have the right to seek and hold office at your school. Each year, elections must be held by October 15.
Students have the right to elect a government of their peers by secret ballot, and you have the right to seek and hold office at your school. Each year, elections must be held by October 15.
90 hours of PE must be given at each school for each grade.
90 hours of PE must be given at each school for each grade.
If you are familiar with your school-based rules and believe any of these rights have been violated, please report the incident by filing a grievance online. All reports will go to the BSAC and the Chief Operating Officer of the Boston Public Schools. Students are also encouraged to report violations to trusted teachers or school leadership.