SEI Language Specific Schools
To view a list of all schools and their associated programs, please review the Discover BPS Road to Registration packet (pg 16)
Chinese SEI
Harvard/Kent Elementary
Quincy Elementary
Charlestown High School
Cape Verdean Creole SEI
Burke High School
Dearborn 6-12 STEM Academy
Orchard Gardens K-8 School
Haitian Creole SEI
Community Academy of Science and Health
Mattapan EES
Taylor Elementary
TechBoston Academy 6-12
Vietnamese SEI
Excel High School
Mather Elementary
Spanish SEI
Adams Elementary
Blackstone Innovation School
Brighton High School
Charlestown High School
Curley K-8
Dever Elementary
East Boston High School
Ellis Elementary
English High School
Fenway High School
Frederick Pilot Middle School
Guild Elementary
Higginson Inclusion K0-2 School
Irving Middle School
Kennedy John F Elementary
Kennedy Patrick J. Elementary
Mario Umana Academy
McCormack Middle School
McKay K-8 School
O'Donnell Elementary
Russell Elementary
Sumner Elementary
Timilty Middle School
Tobin K-8 School
Young Achievers K-8 School