Equity & Accountability
Equity & Accountability
What We Do
We support schools with ensuring that District policies meet the civil rights of EL in according with local, state, and federal requirements.
Language Assessment Team Facilitators (LAT-F)
"The 'LAT' refers to a language assessment team consisting of designated employees at each school who are responsible for ensuring the identification, adequacy of instruction, and monitoring of ELLs." (DOJ Agreement, Paragraph 15)
"Establish a school-based ELL placement and reclassification team... In order to make effective instructional and assessment decisions for ELLs, districts should consider establishing a school-based team charged with reviewing relevant ELL data and making instructional decisions for each student. School-based teams should be composed of educators, administrators, and/or support service staff that regularly interacts with the student" (DESE Transitional Guidance for ELLs, p. 15).
Who is on the LAT? (DESE Transitional Guidance for ELLs, p. 15)
- the student’s ESL or bilingual or SEI content teacher,
- school guidance counselors, psychologists, special education teachers, or related providers if the student receives such services,
- the school’s assistant principal or principal,
- parents when making instructional and assessment decisions for ELLs
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Bruce C. Bolling Building
Roxbury, MA 02119