Boston Middle School YRBS Results
The 2023 Boston Middle School YRBS was administered during the spring of 2023 using rigorous protocols to ensure student confidentiality and data integrity. Students were randomly selected to participate using systematic probability sampling. The overall response rate was 78%. CDC/Westat performed data processing and analyses. The results are weighted and considered representative of BPS students in grades 6-8. Thank you to the BPS students who shared their personal experiences with us so we can have this valuable public health data.
2023 Result Tables:
Differences by Subgroups: [Coming Soon!] 2023 MS YRBS Subgroup Differences
Trend Report: [Coming Soon!] 2023 Middle School YRBS Trends
Previous Publications:
(2019 Middle School YRBS Translations: Español | العربية | Cabo-Verdiano | 中文 | Français | Kreyòl Ayisyen | Português | Soomaali | Tiếng Việt)