Profiles Results and Data Requests
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) uses Profiles data to look at nationwide trends and provide leaders and decision-makers with their findings. They publish reports of representative data on school health policies and practices in states, large urban school districts, and territories. The CDC reports can be accessed on the CDC School Health Profiles website.
Within BPS, Profiles data is used to monitor the district’s health and wellness policies and programs over time. The data are used broadly to assist schools, the Department of Education, and community health organizations to understand how school practices affect student health and academic performance. Results from Profiles are used to help the district get funding, target school resources, plan professional development for school staff, and develop and implement policies and practices to improve student health. Profiles is an important measurement tool used specifically to evaluate the impact and implementation of grants, projects, plans, and policies, including the CDC-funded Empowering Teens Through Health program, BPS District Wellness Policies, the Superintendent’s Strategic Plan, and health and wellness projects supported by ESSER funds.
School leaders and wellness councils also receive individualized School Wellness Reports with their data that helps them assess their implementation of the District Wellness Policy compared to the district as a whole.
Kaitlin Hiciano, Grant & Survey Coordinator