Problem Solving
If you have a school-related problem, we want to help solve it! For the fastest resolution to your problem, please call the individuals or offices below in the order listed. If possible, send a written description of your problem. Write down the name of everyone you speak with and keep all documents and letters related to your problem.
Issues About Your Child’s Learning
- Teacher
- Principal or Headmaster
- Network Superintendent*
General School Issues
- Principal or Headmaster
- Network Superintendent*
School Governance (Parent & School Site Councils)
- Principal or Headmaster
- Office of Engagement, 617-635-7750
- Network Superintendent*
- Principal or Headmaster
- Operational Leader*
- Student Support, 617-635-9060
Transportation- Principal or Headmaster
- Transportation Department, 617-635-9520 or
- Principal or Headmaster
- Operational Leader*
- 1-877-SCH-SAFE, confidential safety “tip” line
- Anti-bullying hotline: (617) 592-2378
School Assignments, Transfers, and Waiting Lists
- School Hot Line, 617-635-9046
- Welcome Centers: 617-635-8015, 617-635-8040 or 617-635-9010
- Enrollment Services, 617-635-9501
REMEMBER: Principals and headmasters can’t make or change school assignments or guarantee that your child can attend a certain school.
School Assignments, Transfers, Waiting Lists, and Residency
- School Hot Line, 617-635-9046
- Welcome Centers: 617-635-8015, 617-635-8040 or 617-635-9010
- Enrollment Planning & Support, 617-635-9516
- Appeals concerning residency policy: Office of Equity, 617-635-9435
English Language Learners
- Teacher
- Principal or Headmaster
- Newcomer Assessment & Counseling Center, 617-635-1565
- Office of English Language Learners, 617-635- 9435
Special Education
- Teacher
- Principal or Headmaster
- Special Education Office, 617-635-8599
* Boston schools are organized into networks. Each has a Network Superintendent and an Operational Leader. If you don't know how to contact your Network Superintendent and Operational Leader, ask your school principal/headmaster or call 617-635-9055.
For questions and concerns about policy matters (which apply to the entire school system rather than a particular student or school), please contact the School Committee office, 617-635-9014.