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OEL Front Page Draft

Office of English Language Learners

Assistant Superintendent Corner                                                                                                                                                             
Dr.Silvia Romero-Johnson

Dr. Silvia Romero-Johnson is the Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Learners. Dr. Romero-Johnson is an educational administrator, leader, and advocate in the field of dual language education and English language learners. Her career began as an interpreter and community liaison for Spanish-speaking families. She became a support bilingual teacher, classroom bilingual teacher, principal of a whole school dual language school, and central office administrator. She has led district transformation on behalf of multilingual learners from deficit to asset-based effective programs and supports. She has been an adjunct instructor for multiple institutions of higher education in the licensure for English as Second Language and Bilingual Education. She is the co-author of the book Advancing Equity in Dual Language Programs: A Guide for Leaders (Velazquez Press, 2021).

Reimagine Multilingual Learning

Reimagine Campaign

*Click on the image to view the full flyer

The BPS Office of English Learners is engaging in a series of community dialogues as we work to reimagine multilingual learning (SEI, ESL, Dual Language, SLIFE) for English Learners in BPS. You are welcomed to join our conversation by registering here

If you are not able to attend a meeting, please use this survey( to give us your input on what kind of changes you would like to see.  For more information on the work please read our charter for this work.

Haitian Community Conversation
March 18, 2021
4-5:30 PM
Register HERE

Vietnamese Community Conversation
March 22, 2021
5-6:30 PM
Register HERE

Arabic Community Conversation
March 25, 2021
7-8:30 PM
Register HERE

Chinese Community Conversation
March 26, 2021
7-8:30 PM
Register HERE

Somali Community Conversation
March 30, 2021
5:30-7 PM
Register HERE

Spanish-Speaking Community Conversation
March 31, 2021
5-6:30 PM
Register HERE



Project Charter

Who We Are

The Boston Public Schools (BPS) has made high quality instruction for English Learners (ELs) a top priority and provides various instructional programs and services to help students learn academic English as they learn content in all subject areas. BPS enrolls over 17,000 English Learner students, representing 31% of the District’s total student population. An additional 13% of students (more than 7,000) are former English Learners who have attained English proficiency while enrolled in BPS.

What We Do

Our goal is that all ELs will graduate as lifelong learners with 21st century skills in order to succeed in college and careers. This is evidenced by the Office of English Learner’s (OEL) vision statement: to provide a culturally and linguistically responsive education with the supports needed to ensure equitable access to opportunities that promote language acquisition, bilingualism, biliteracy and lifelong learning.


Project Charter

  • English |Project Charter: Roadmap for Quality Education for Multilingual Learning
  • Arabic |مشروع ميثاق: خارطة الطريق لتجويد التعليم  للبرامج متعددة اللغات
  • Cabo Verdean |Prujeto di Leis Internus: Diretiva pa Edukason di Kualidadi pa Aprendizagen multilingua
  • Chinese |項目章程:高質量的多語言學習教育路線圖
  • French |Charte de projet : Feuille de route pour une éducation de qualité et un apprentissage multilingue
  • Haitian Creole |Lwa Entèn Pwojè : Yon Direktiv pou Bonjan Kalite Edikasyon pou Aprantisaj an Plizyè Lang
  • Portuguese |Carta do projeto: Roteiro para educação de qualidade para aprendizagem multilíngue
  • Spanish |Carta del proyecto: Guía para una educación de calidad para el aprendizaje multilingüe
  • Somali |Xeer Qoraalka Mashruuca: Tubta Tacliinta Tayada ee Barashada Luuqadaha Badan
  • Vietnamese |Điều lệ Dự án: Lộ trình Giáo dục Chất lượng cho Học tập Đa ngôn ngữ

Multilingual Feedback Survey:

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Contact Us

Bruce C. Bolling Building
2300 Washington St
Roxbury, MA 02119
Main OEL contact number: 
(617) 635-9435

NACC contact number:
(617) 635-1565
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