Achieve: English Learners 3.12.2021
Who We Are
The Boston Public Schools (BPS) has made high quality instruction for English Learners (ELs) a top priority and provides various instructional programs and services to help students learn academic English as they learn content in all subject areas. Boston Public Schools enrolls over 17,000 English Learner students, representing 31% of the District’s total student population. An additional 13% of students (more than 7,000) are former English Learners who have attained English proficiency while enrolled in BPS.
What We Do
Our goal is that all ELs will graduate as lifelong learners with 21st century skills in order to succeed in college and careers. This is evidenced by the Office of English Learner’s (OEL) vision statement: to provide a culturally and linguistically responsive education with the supports needed to ensure equitable access to opportunities that promote language acquisition, bilingualism, biliteracy and lifelong learning.
Reimagine Multilingual Learning
Haitian Community Conversation
March 18, 2021
4-5:30 PM
Register HERE
Interpretation services will be available in Haitian Creole.
*Click on the image to view the full flyer
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Roxbury, MA 02119
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