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ESSER Commission

 Meet the Commission


Commission Meetings: 

Thursday, May 13, 5:00 pm | Recording & Slides 

Translated Slide Deck: Español |  العربية | Cabo-Verdiano | 中文 | Français | Kreyòl Ayisyen | Português | Soomaali | Tiếng Việt

Thursday, May 27, 5:00 pm | Recording & Slides

Thursday, June 10, 5:00 pm | Recording & Slides

Thursday, June 24, 5:00 pm | Recording & Slides

Thursday, July 1, 5:00 pm | Recording & Slides 

Thursday, July 8, 5:00 pm | Recording & Slides

Public Comment Sign Up:

Each speaker will have three (3) minutes to testify, however, if 20 or more speakers sign up to testify, time will be reduced to two (2) minutes per person. Those who require interpretation services will be allotted an additional two (2) minutes. Written testimony is encouraged and can be sent to Eva Mitchell for distribution to the Committee. Speakers may not reassign their time to others. Speakers must begin their remarks by stating their name, affiliation, and neighborhood of residence. Sign-up for public comment will close at 4:30 pm on the day of the meeting.



Sam Acevedo, Executive Director, Boston Higher Education Resource Center (HERC); Co-Chair, BPS Opportunity and Achievement Gaps (OAG) Task Force; Member, Greater Boston Latinos Network (GLBN) 

Celina Barrios-MillnerDirector of Equity and Inclusion, Economic Development Office, City of Boston

Josie Colon, Student, New Mission High School; Member, Boston Student Advisory Council (BSAC)

Rahn Dorsey, Chair, Board of Trustees, Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology (BFIT); Former Chief of Education, City of Boston

Pam Eddinger, President, Bunker Hill Community College

Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal, Executive Director, Lawyers for Civil Rights

Theresa Garcia de Quevedo, Educator and Language Acquisition Team Facilitator (LATF), Mildred Ave School

Roxann Harvey, Chair of the Boston Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SpEdPAC)

John Jackson, President and CEO, Schott Foundation for Public Education

Karla Jenkins, Principal, Higginson Inclusion School (K0-2)

Suzanne Lee, Co-Chair, English Language Learner (ELL) Task Force

Margaret McKenna, Chairwoman, Human Rights Commission, City of Boston

Xyra Mercer, Student, Henderson K-12 Inclusion School; Member, Boston Student Advisory Council (BSAC)

Keith Motley, Consultant President/CEO, Urban League Massachusetts; Former Chancellor, University of Massachusetts Boston (UMASS)

Lee Pelton, President and CEO, The Boston Foundation; Former President, Emerson College

Paul Reville, Professor of Practice of Educational Policy and Administration, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Ruby Reyes, Director, Boston Education Justice Alliance (BEJA)

Nicol Riley, Assistant Diversity and Inclusion Co-Chair, Citywide Parent Council (CPC) of the Boston Public Schools

Valerie Roberson, President, Roxbury Community College

Jeri Robinson, Chair, BPS School Committee

Jim Rooney, President and CEO, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce

Ayele Shakur, CEO, BUILD; Co-Chair, BPS Opportunity and Achievement Gaps (OAG) Task Force

Chris Smith, President and Executive Director, Boston After School and Beyond

Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, Chancellor, University of Massachusetts Boston (UMASS)

Tanisha Sullivan, President, Boston branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Neil Sullivan, Executive Director, Private Industry Council (PIC)

Jessica Tang, President, Boston Teachers Union

Pastor Matt K Thompson, Pastor, Jubilee Church Boston

Dania Vazquez, Head of School, Margarita Muniz Academy

Grace Wai, BPS School Superintendent & Executive Team Member

Lili Wu, Member, BPS District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)