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Transition Services & STRIVE Department

All students with disabilities are entitled to transition services from the age of 14 until they receive their high school diploma or exit the school system at age 22. Transition services are delivered through a coordinated set of activities which guide a student to reaching their post secondary vision.



What does STRIVE Stand For?                        

Supporting Transitions to Reach Independence through Vocational Experiences

Mission Statement

The mission of the STRIVE Department is to provide supplemental transition support to Boston Public Schools’ teachers, directors of specialized services, students, and families by providing ongoing access in the areas of transition assessment, prevocational training, in-school vocational training, community engagement, and post-secondary adult services.


Students We Serve

  • Students with a documented disability
  • Students who are 14 to 22 years of age
  • Students who are identified, by the IEP Team as a student in need


All students receive their transition services at their home school and these services are supplemented by the STRIVE Department. The coordinated set of activities is a collaboration between schools and families. It takes into account a student's strengths, preferences and interests and includes:


  • transition instruction:
    • is a broad range of activities
    • promotes access to school curriculum
    • helps students gain needed skills to move toward their postsecondary goals
  • instruction around daily living skills:
    • for students who need preparation of specific skills
    • include self-care, money management, transportation

Related Services

These are supports (for example, occupational therapy, speech therapy, assistive technology) that students need to access more integrated work, education, and living environments. Within the context of transition services, Related Service Providers [RSPs] help students determine:

  • what related services are needed beyond high school
  • how to identify the appropriate agency to provide those services
  • help identify how the student can access those services
  • make the connections to needed services prior to the student leaving school

Community experiences

Community experiences involve a variety of activities and experiences that are provided outside the school building. These activities can include:

  • shopping for food and/or clothes
  • using public transportation
  • recreation and leisure activities
  • job shadowing
  • internships
  • work experiences
  • college exploration

Development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives

Development of employment focuses on the development of work-related behaviors:

  • job seeking and keeping skills
  • career exploration
  • skill training
  • employment

The acquisition of daily living skills and provision of a functional vocational evaluation, when appropriate.

Adult living objectives are those services that include support activities done occasionally such as:

  • accessing employment support agencies
  • registering to vote
  • filing taxes
  • renting a home
  • accessing medical services and insurance
  • accessing adult services, college information, Social Security Income [SSI]

Daily living skills are included, "if appropriate" to support the student's ability to do those activities that most adults do every day

  • grooming
  • preparing meals
  • budgeting
  • maintaining a home
  • paying bills
  • caring for clothes

Employment Continuum

Employment Continuum

Community Connection Facilitators

Community Connection Facilitators serve as liaisons between schools, students and their families. We support schoolstaff in order to provide specialized pre-vocational,vocational,andtransitional services for individual classrooms as well as individual students. Weassistfamilies in navigating the transition experience like completing and understanding transition paperwork. Additionally, we accompany families in working with district partners.

Community Connection Facilitators support school staff inusing transition assessment tools, attending Individualized Education Program [IEP], Individual Transiton Plan [ITP], Department of Developmental Services [DDS], Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission [MRC] meetings and help establish vocational exploration onsite and within the community. We write employment grants and help facilitate college experiences for students and families.