Science & Engineering Practices
Science & Engineering Practices for Families, Students, Teachers, and School Leaders
Science & Engineering Practices Online Teacher PD Series
A web-based PD series was designed for you and your colleagues to use to deepen your understanding of the Science and Engineering Practices. There are ten 45-minute modules that include all of the information and resources to explore each practice, as well as annotated facilitator guides to provide you with insider tips to lead the sessions! We encourage you to use these modules in CPT/Department meetings.
Instructional Leadership for Science Practices
The BPS STE Department collaboration with Kate McNeill from Boston College afforded the team with an opportunity for teachers and school leaders to participate in, and contribute to, the development of resources to strengthen the effective integration of science practices into classroom instruction. The Instructional Leadership for Science Practices website has supervision and instructional resources that enable principals, teachers, and other school and district leaders to collaboratively implement the science practices and the MA STE Framework.
Student and Family Friendly Resources for Better Understanding the Science and Engineering Practices
Can I.. ? Did I... ? A Tool to Support Students' Learning of the Practices
The BPS STE Department worked with a great team of teachers and others to develop this set of guiding questions for each practice, based on Appendix F of the NGSS and the NGSS@NSTA Practices Progression Matrix.
It is not intended that you ask students to focus on every practice or each question all at once. These questions can be shared with students as needed to have them pay particular attention to certain practices and specific elements as you work through your science lessons.
If you would like to have
How might you use them with your students?
We have completed the following ...
K-12 Practice Progression: All Practices by Grade Bands
Grades K-2: One page, a Standing Fold, and conversation cards in English and Spanish*
Grades 3-5: One page, a Standing Fold, and conversation cards in English and Spanish
Grades 6-8: One page, a Standing Fold, and conversation cards in English and Spanish
Grades 9-12: Two-pager, and conversation cards in English and Spanish
*The conversation cards for K-2 and 3-5 were included in the SY21 fall units. Middle School cards will be placed into the 2nd round of SY21 units. High School cards are available at Campbell. Please email to obtain a set for your classroom. Spanish translations will be posted as soon as they are finalized.