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Curriculum Resources

BPS Endorsed Curriculum

Updates for the upcoming School Year

High School (grades 9-12)

OpenSciEd has been adopted as the district's primary curriculum for biology, chemistry, and physics. We are offering Professional Learning on Unit 1 for each subject. Please contact Joyce Bowen, if you are interested in attending or have any questions.


Middle Grades (grades 6-8)

Teachers of grades 6-8 will enter year five of the OpenSciEd implementation. Based on teacher feedback, the 6-8 scopes have been updated to include STE 6-8 OSE Pacing Recommendations. Please contact Evelyn Larose, if you are interested in attending PL opportunities or have any questions. 


Upper Elementary (grades 3-5)

Teachers will continue to follow the same units and schedule as last year, but there are some exciting changes for 4th grade and an update for 3rd grade.

4th Grade: The FOSS Energy (traditionally taught in the winter) and Smithsonian How Do We Get Energy to People's Homes? (traditionally taught in the spring) have combined into one unit to be taught during the winter. The combining of these two units has opened up the spring cycle for teaching the life science standard as well as the engineering unit, Make Way for Trains. There is now a "mini life science" unit to address the 4th-grade standard. The Make Way for Trains unit was slightly revised to make it easier to implement.

3rd Grade: Teachers now have access to an integrated, more user-friendly teacher guide for the Motion & Design + Magnetism unit. This can be accessed online as a PDF using a BPS email from our Scope and Sequence page. It will also be sent out in hard copy form with the winter kit.

OpenSciEd Field Test: Our district will continue participating in the National Elementary OpenSciEd field test. Sixteen teachers across five schools are field testing two units this year as they did last year. Please contact Elizabeth Hadly, if you are interested in PL opportunities or have any questions. (Please note: The OpenSciEd field test is not accepting new participants.)


Early Childhood (pK-2 grades)

Teachers will continue to follow the same units and schedule as last year. Please contact Molly Peters, if you are interested in PL opportunities or have any questions. 


For the schedule of units and access to the most up-to-date Scope & Sequence documents, click here.

Have a general question? We ask teachers, principals, and families to please refer to our FAQs document first. If you do not see your question answered, email and we will gladly take care of you.