BPS SciCast Videos
BPS SciCast Videos
In 2015, BPS science teacher leaders created nearly 200 screencasts to help you teach science in BPS!
Each year the Science Department supported its teacher leaders to prepare and present science unit PD for novices and veterans. With the increasing scarcity of resources, teacher leaders were asked to create screencasts to help our teachers implement the science instructional materials, K through Chemistry. Within each video, a teacher leader presents an overview of the unit, then digs a little deeper, walking through lessons that are less intuitive or more challenging to set up.
We thank our wonderful teachers who really put themselves out there to create these instructional resources for you!
Accessing the Videos: click on the YouTube link or click here for playlists (by grade/course).
Note: While some of the videos may be for units that are no longer taught, they still offer great teacher-to-teacher tips and investigation tricks as well as details about the following:
Student Learning Outcomes Documents, Science Content and Standards, Science and Engineering Practices, Common Writing Assignment (CWA), Close Reading Tasks, Science Notebooks, ELL/Special Education Strategies, Real-World Connections, Tech/Engineering applications, Formative Assessments, Schoolyard/Outdoor connections, Tips for Managing Students & Materials