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Why Assessments?

Assessments are effective tools that support learning and improve outcomes for students. Assessment data provides educators with critical insight into student learning so that every student receives the instruction they need to succeed.  A strong assessment system includes both formative and summative forms.

BPS District Science Interims

The BPS interims can serve as one part of a comprehensive assessment system. The most up-to-date information for the BPS science interims can be found on the ODA Assessment Platform. 

NOTE: The Interims are optional. If you choose to give them, it is recommended that students be given no more than 2 interims across the year. It is up to the discretion of teachers and school leaders to decide what is appropriate/necessary. 

NEW (8/30/23): The STE Dept. and BEES Coaches worked in conjunction with the ODA Dept. to update the science interims for grades 3-8. There will be an announcement when they are ready in Illuminate as well as guidance. 

Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System

All students must pass three Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) tests to receive a diploma from a Massachusetts public high school. Students must pass MCAS tests in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. BPS students take the ELA and Mathematics MCAS tests in the spring of 10th grade. All students should be provided an opportunity to take a science MCAS test in June of the 9th grade. 

Students who do not pass an MCAS test, who miss a regularly scheduled MCAS test, or who transfer to BPS without having passed the required high school MCAS tests, must take a retest. ELA and Mathematics retests are given in fall, winter, and early spring. There are no retests in science; students must take a regularly scheduled science MCAS test in February (Biology only) or June (All science tests are offered).  

Below you will find a collection of resources that can be helpful as you prepare your students for the Science MCAS exams.

Use the multiple-choice questions as part of your "Do Now" routine. Give students a question or two and ask them to select the correct answer. Then have students write an explanation as to why each of the other answers is incorrect. This provides an opportunity for students to really clarify their understanding of the content of the question and it will help you better understand where your students are in their learning.

Note: The resources below were compiled for the legacy MCAS test. However, you may still find questions of use for your formative assessments or to support MCAS preparation. Each document identifies the MA 2001/2006 Standard(s) associated with the questions listed.