Science Instructional Scope & Sequences preK-HS
Science Instructional Scope and Sequences can be accessed by clicking on the links below.
To access the SY24-25 science instructional unit schedule, click this link.
Early Childhood Grades: (There is one document for the entire year, science units align with the FOCUS curriculum.)
K0/K1: scope and sequence in development
K2: FOSS Animals 2x2, FOSS Materials & Motion
Grade 1: FOSS Air & Weather, FOSS Plants & Animals, FOSS Sound & Light
Grade 2: FOSS Pebbles, Sand, & Silt, FOSS Solids & Liquids, FOSS Insects
Upper Elementary Grades: (There are separate documents for each unit.)
Guidance on how to read and use the updated grades 3-5 scope and sequences can be found here.
Grade 3: FOSS Water & Climate, STC Motion & Design, Integrated Motion & Design Teacher Guide (note: large PDF file you will be prompted to download, BPS teachers only), FOSS Structures of Life
Grade 4: FOSS Soils, Rocks & Landforms, combined Energy unit (FOSS & Smithsonian), UPDATED Stop the Landslide! Teacher Guide, Stop the Landslide! Slides, NEW Life Science Mini-Unit: Mystery Science Human Machine
Grade 5: FOSS Earth & Sun, FOSS Mixtures & Solutions, STC Ecosystems
Middle Grades:
SY24-25 OSE Standards Alignment, Scope & Sequence
High School:
Biology: OSE Standards Alignment, Scope & Sequence
Chemistry: OSE Standards Alignment, Scope & Sequence