Career and Technical Education
Today's economy requires our graduates to be ready for anything - from a successful college experience to a high-demand industry. BPS offers a wide array of career and technical education opportunities so students can compete for high-paying jobs in a variety of fields.
Explore Careers to Find your Passion and Prepare for the Real World
Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides hands-on applied learning experiences that build academic knowledge, problem-solving skills, career readiness skills, and specific technical skills that lead to applicable industry credentialing. CTE includes traditional CH 74 vocational-technical education provided at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School, The English High School, Boston Green Academy, Edward Kennedy Health Careers Academy, and Boston Arts Academy as well as career pathways provided within nine of Boston’s comprehensive high schools.
Upon graduation, Career and Technical Education students enter employment, apprenticeship and certificate programs, and, two and four-year colleges. There are three types of CTE Programs in Boston; Chapter 74 , Non-Chapter 74 and Innovation Pathways.
Out of District Vocational Requests
Non-resident student tuition applications for any out-of-district vocational placement requests should be submitted by email to the Executive Director of Career and Technical Education before April 1 for consideration for the upcoming fall. Students and Families considering this option should contact the Office of Career and Technical Education for help with this process.
All individuals including those who are members of special populations are provided with equal access to career/vocational-technical education programs, services, and activities and are not discriminated against on the basis of their status as members of special populations or race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identify, English language proficiency, disability, or sexual orientation. Perkins Sections 122 & 134, Vocational Technical Education Regulations 603 CMR 4.03(4) (6) (7), M.G.L.c.76, Section 5.