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Office of Grants and External Funding

The Office of Grants and External Funding provides fiscal and strategic support to schools and central offices to manage 75+ Federal, State, local and Private grants received by and housed in the Boston Public Schools while ensuring all grant dollars comply with regulations.

What is a Grant?

A grant is a sum of money given by a governmental or private organization to another organization or person for a specific purpose. In order to receive a grant, one must complete a grant application detailing plans on how the grant dollars will be used to achieve the specified purpose during the grant time period. 
Once received, grant programming and funding must adhere to the approved plans, the grant time period, all applicable local regulations (including the City of Boston and BPS policies), and all fund regulations.

The Role of Grants at the Boston Public Schools

Grants at the Boston Public Schools fund specific targeted initiatives, provide support to specific populations of students, and assure all students are receiving a high-quality and excellent education. 
Grant funds can be found at every school across the district, as well as in every central office department. The Office of Grants and External Funding with all schools and departments across the district to build high-quality programs to support all students. 
The Office of Grants and External Funding is a part of the Finance Department, along with the Budget Team. Together, the Finance department works to strategically and compliantly build and manage a budget each year that best serves all students. For more information about the Budget Team or FY20 Budget Development, please see the Budget Team Website.


Yvonne Macrae
Director of Grants and External Funds
Charnae Garrett- Coles
Sr. Grants Manager
Imani Penn
Title 1 Coordinator
Carlos Martinez
Grants Coordinator
Nicole Mendoza 
Grants & External Accounts Coordinator 
Genita Johnson
Grants Coordinator

Funding Landscape

The Office of Grants and External Funding manages grants from various funders, including Federal, State, local, Private, and *Other sources. In FY18, over $145 million dollars in grant awards were received by BPS. The Office of Grants and External Funding worked to manage these dollars, strategically allocate funding, comply with regulations, and assist Program Managers in spending down these dollars.  

BPS Funding Sources FY17
* The category of Other Sources is defined by the commitment to funding part or all of a salary by a source external to BPS. 
In FY18, over $113 million in Federal Grants was received by the Boston Public Schools. Many Federal awards - including Title I, Title II, Title III, IDEA, and Perkins - flow from the Federal Government to the State, then to the Boston Public Schools. The majority of Federal grant dollars come from the major entitlement grants, or formula grants, determined by the demographics of Boston children. 
State grants often fund state strategic initiatives or are received as targeted supports from the state. 
Private grants come from a wide variety of funders and often support specific programs, research, or initiatives. While some private grant dollars are housed in the Office of Grants and External Funding, some private grant dollars are held in the Boston Educational Development Fund (BEDF), BPS' 501(c)3 fiscal partner. 
BPS Grant Types FY17
Grants at the Boston Public Schools fall into two categories: Entitlement Grants and Competitive Grants. 
Click to view the BPS Entitlement Grants Page
Click to view more information about Competitive Grants at BPS
Entitlement Grants: Entitlement grants, or "formula grants," are awarded based on student population. Applicants must apply to show the requisite need to receive funding and must submit plans demonstrating that the funds will adhere the specified grant requirements. There are 6 major entitlement grants that the Boston Public Schools receives - Title I, Title II, Title III, IDEA, Perkins and School Lunch.
Competitive Grants:  Competitive grants require applicants to submit applications or proposals to obtain funding. Grant funds are awarded based on the quality of the grant proposal submitted and the compliance of the proposal with the specified grant requirements. 
The Office of Grants and External Funding encourages schools and departments to actively prospect and apply for grant opportunities. As a result, the Boston Public Schools has been awarded over $24 million in Competitive Grant awards in FY18. 

Focus Areas: Strategic Use of Grant Funds

As the birthplace of public education in this nation, the Boston Public Schools is committed to transforming the lives of all children through exemplary teaching in a world-class system of innovative, welcoming schools. We partner with the community, families and students to develop within every learner the knowledge, skill, and character to excel in college, career, and life. 
Through grants, the Boston Public Schools strategically targets student, teacher, and school needs to provide supplemental supports and programming.  All grants at the Boston Public Schools can be categorized by focus area, which allows the Office of Grants and External Funding to monitor grant goals and outcomes, assuring all strategic initiatives are being realized. 
Breakdown of FY16 Grants at the Boston Public Schools by focus area.
For more information on the breakdown of grants at the Boston Public Schools, please use the below resources. 
The FY16 and FY17 Grant Mappings provides detail about which schools/departments received or house each grant, the focus area of the grant, and the grant amount.   
The FY16-FY18 Grant Outcomes reports provide a high-level view of the accomplishments of each grant, while including a description and details of the grant. 

Compliant Use of Grant Funds

The Boston Public Schools has internal controls in place to assure that all grant funds are compliantly being used to best serve students, teachers, schools, and departments. 

All grants managed by the Office of Grants and External Funding comply with the Uniform Grant Guidance. 

The Uniform Guidance (2 C.F.R. § 200) streamlines and consolidates government requirements for receiving and using federal awards so as to reduce administrative burden and improve outcomes. It was published in the Federal Register (79 Fed. Reg. 75871) on December 19, 2014, and became effective for new and continuation awards issued on or after December 26, 2014. The Office of Federal and State Grants, in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, has created a Fiscal Policies and Procedures Manual detailing the policies and procedures to ensure compliance. 

 For more information, please see the following resources:
Click for more information on the Uniform Grant Guidance
Click for more information on the Education Department General Administration Regulations (EDGAR)

Click to view Boston's Fiscal Policies and Procedures Manual