FY20 Budget Development
Budget Hearing - March 20th, 2019
Documents presented at the School Committee meeting on March 20th, 2019.
2. FY20 Budget Recommendation (PDF)
- FY20 Budget Recommendation (Excel)
3. Weighted Student Funding
4. School Allocations
Budget Hearing - February 12th, 2019
Documents presented at the School Committee meeting on February 12th, 2019.
Initial Budget Proposal - February 6, 2019
I. Memo from the Superintendent
II. Presentation: FY20 Budget Overview and Equity Analysis
III. FY20 Budget Recommendation
- By Account and Fund
- By Program and Fund
- By Department and Fund
IV. Weighted Student Funding
- WSF: District Table
- WSF: Reserve Table
- WSF: Historical Comparison of Weights FY12-FY20
- WSF: School by School Comparison
- Individual School Allocation WSF One-Pagers
V. School Allocations
- Total Allocations to Schools
- Supplemental Funding to Schools
- Individual School Allocation One-Pagers
VI. Background Documents