Friends and Family of the Kenny Elementary School Council Bylaws
Article I: Name of Organization and Establishment of Bylaws
The name of this self-governed organization shall be the Friends and Family of the Thomas J. Kenny Elementary School Council. These Bylaws were adopted in 2022 as the official governing charter of the Council, superseding and replacing prior Bylaws, and shall be known as the Friends and Family of the Kenny Bylaws (“Bylaws”).
The Council was previously known as the Kenny Parent Council.
Article II: Purpose and Responsibilities
The purpose of the Friends and Family of the Kenny is to contribute to the school community where families partner to support the educational development of their children. The Friends and Family of the Kenny is responsible for:
Establishing and maintaining communication with school administration and faculty on school events, programming, etc.
Encouraging active family involvement in Council decisions, school activities
Educating and informing families of activities, programs and resources at Kenny Elementary School
Promoting and coordinating volunteer opportunities
Supporting and showing appreciation for the Kenny Elementary School faculty, staff and students
Sponsoring projects and events for the benefit of all Kenny Elementary School students
Raising funds for carrying out projects and programs to enhance the educational and social goals for Kenny Elementary School
Establishing regular and ad hoc committees and appointments as required for carrying out the above.
Article III: Membership
Membership is open to any parent or legal guardian with a child enrolled in and attending Kenny Elementary School.
Article IV: Executive Committee: Officers, Terms, and Duties
Executive Committee
An Executive Committee will guide Friends and Family of the Kenny School Council and be composed of the following members: two Co-Chairs, Treasurer and Secretary. Each member of the Executive Committee is an Officer of the Friends and Family of the Kenny School Council. Only one member of a Kenny Elementary School family may be elected to the Executive Committee.
2 Co-Chairs serve staggered two (2) year terms (one Co-Chair is new each year). The Treasurer and Secretary positions serve one (1) year terms. Officers serve their respective terms ending on June 30th, following the elections held at the June meeting or, in the absence of a newly elected Officer, until successor(s) are elected at a subsequent meeting of the council. Parents shall endeavor to elect Officers who are representative of the racial and ethnic diversity of the Kenny Elementary School student body, and who also represent other populations, including English Language Learners and families with special needs.
Duties of the Officers
Working collaboratively, the two Co-Chairs will:
Convene and preside according to the established schedule
Ensure that an agenda is prepared and presented
Summarize for the general membership any actions taken by the Executive Committee since the last general meeting.
Meet regularly with the Principal to discuss issues
Appoint committees and subcommittees, including standing and ad hoc
Be the official spokesperson for the council and Executive Committee
Ensure annual elections are conducted according to guidelines
The Treasurer will:
Assist parents to identify and prioritize financial needs in the Kenny Elementary School community, outside of the BPS-sponsored budget
Be responsible for and report on the financial activity of the Friends of the Kenny Council
Prepare and file tax return
Prepare and submit annual report
Follow all rules and regulations related to 501c3 status
Be a signer on the Friends of the Kenny account
Submit monthly and annual report to the Friends of the Kenny Council
The Secretary will:
Record the minutes of Executive Committee and membership meetings and bring copies of minutes to each meeting.
Ensure minutes are circulated to members through at least three methods, including parent listservs and the Kenny Elementary School website.
Maintain an accurate copy of the Bylaws; if and when changes are made, they shall be done so in accordance with Article IX. The amended copy shall be dated and initialed and a copy submitted to the main school office.
Maintain all records of elections.
Article V: Meetings Section
The regular meetings of the organization shall be held at least quarterly on a regular schedule as determined by the Co-Chairs and voted on at a meeting of the council. Special meetings may be called, as needed, by the Executive Committee. Notice of all meeting dates shall be made at least 7 calendar days prior to the meetings through at least two communication methods, such as parent listservs, Kenny Elementary School website calendar, automated-voice calls and additional forums as identified.
Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee will meet as needed throughout the school year and for at least one meeting prior to the start of school to plan for the transition into the new school year. It is expected that Executive Committee members will attend most Executive Committee meetings and Friends and Family of the Kenny School Council meetings. Executive Committee meetings will focus on setting council meeting agendas, communicating with the general membership, and addressing questions of governance. Minutes of all Friends and Family of the Kenny School Council meetings shall be recorded and available as per Article IV.
Article VI: Decision-making and Voting
It is expected that the Council will make every effort to make decisions by consensus or general agreement of the members, in order to promote a culture of shared decision making. Decisions that have far reaching implications for the school community, or for which a consensus is unable to be reached, will be made by simple majority vote of a Quorum.
Elections for Officers will be made by simple majority vote of a Quorum.
Commitment of financial resources requires a simple majority vote of members present Kenny Elementary School at a scheduled PC meeting. However, commitment of a sum greater than $1,000.00, requires the presence of a Quorum.
A Quorum is defined as the presence of six (6) PC members of which at least one (3) PC Officer is present.
Every Kenny Elementary School family is entitled to one vote. Except for elections, most votes will be taken by a show of hands. Voting can be in person or virtual.
Article VII: Elections and Recalls Section
Section 1: Elections
Elections shall be conducted in accordance with Boston Public School PC election guidelines. Elections for the following academic year’s Council Officers shall be the first order of business during the June Council meeting. Elections shall be announced at the May Council meeting or in an email to all Kenny families in May. Any parent or legal guardian of a Kenny student can be nominated for a position as a Council Officer. The nomination period begins in May and includes the day of the June election. At the June meetings, a document will be available for Council members listing the Council Officer with a brief description of the responsibilities and terms. This document will be distributed to all Council members in May through at least three communication methods, such as listservs, Kenny Elementary School website, automated voice calls to Kenny Elementary School families and/or additional forums for parents as identified. Prior to the vote, the Secretary will read the roles and responsibilities of the Council Officer in Article IV of these Bylaws so that all potential candidates understand the position(s), the requirements of the position(s), and what is expected of the individual seeking the office. Candidates must be present at the election. Only parents present at the election may vote for those nominated. Each family is entitled to one vote for each position. Elections will be by secret paper ballot if in person or electronically if done virtually. Elections shall be decided by a majority vote of the membership, subject to the presence of a Quorum. Following the election, new Officers shall take office. Their terms shall begin on July 1st. The names of all new Council Officers will be announced through at least two communication methods, such as parent listservs, the Kenny Elementary School website and/or additional forums for parents as identified. In the event a position is unfilled as a result of the June election, the current occupant of the position remains seated in their position until an election can be held in October at which point the newly elected person will assume the position in question.
In the event that an in-person election cannot be held due to public safety concerns, the election will be held virtually.
Section 2: Vacancies, Resignation and Recalls
If a vacancy on the Executive Committee exists for any reason (resignation or removal), the Committee will announce the open Officer position through means listed under Section 1 and an election will be held at the next Council meeting. There must be at least 7 calendar days’ notice of this special election. Resignation Any member of the Executive Committee who wishes to resign may do so. They must either announce the resignation at the monthly Council meeting, for inclusion in the minutes, or submit the resignation in writing.
Executive Committee members can be removed from their elected position for failure to carry out the outlined responsibilities detailed above. Any Officer of the Executive Committee may be subject to removal for not attending three (3) Council monthly meetings. In addition, a Council Officer may be removed from office for cause, including non-attendance, following the written notification and an opportunity to be heard. The Executive Committee shall follow proper notification of the Council membership and shall conduct a hearing concerning the removal. The person to be removed must be notified in writing of the pending vote for removal at least fourteen (14) days prior to the vote. The person must be offered the opportunity to attend and be heard. The Co-Chairs shall then entertain a motion for removal of the member, which shall be adopted or rejected by a two-thirds vote. A Co-Chair being considered for removal may not preside at the meeting considering his or her removal.
Article VIII: Nonpartisan Policy
The Kenny Elementary School is a nonpartisan body, and as such does not engage in any partisan activity. A partisan activity means affiliating with any political party or supporting candidates for political office. While members of the Council may support partisan activities as individuals, they may not utilize the names of Kenny Elementary School, The Kenny Elementary School, or any Council affiliated committees or subcommittees for Partisan Activities of any kind. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to limit the ability of parents or students as individuals to advocate for the needs of this school.
Article IX: Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote subject to the presence of a Quorum, but Bylaws changes may not be voted upon in the same meeting as they are proposed. A month before the proposed changes are to be voted on, a draft of the changes will be discussed at the Council meeting and copies of the draft made available for those who wish copies. A notice to amend the Bylaws shall be sent out 20 days before the vote through at least two communication methods: listservs, Kenny Elementary School website, automated voice calls to parents and/or additional forums for parents as identified. A Quorum, as defined in Article VII, Section 1, must be present to change the Kenny Elementary School Bylaws or a vote taken to retire and replace them.