August 15th Deliverables

  • On Monday, August 15th, BPS submitted the first set of deliverables to DESE as part of the Systemic Improvement Plan. These responsive documents reflect many hours of hard work by the dedicated staff of BPS. 

    Strong practices happen across BPS every day in our schools, classrooms, and the central office, but we still have significant work ahead of us in the Boston Public Schools. First, we must do better for our students and our families. We must strengthen what is working well, but we must also acknowledge when there is more work to do and work to redesign systems that do not meet the needs of our students, families, and educators. 

    From improving instruction quality for English learners and students living with disabilities to evaluating our transportation system, the deliverables outlined below help to accelerate our strategic plan and put us on a path to leverage our strengths.  

    While these documents fulfill our first commitment to the Systemic Improvement Plan, the most critical foundational work is just beginning. We must work in partnership to change how the system works to support our children and families. These deliverables are the first steps towards making that change, and now we must work in a coordinated, all-hands-on-deck approach to implement these changes. 

    Please note: Last week, on Wednesday, August 10th, BPS presented an update on implementing the Systemic Improvement Plan to the Boston School Committee in advance of today’s deadlines. If you missed the presentation and would like to learn more, please watch the presentation here at the 1:35:08 mark.

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

English Learners


Special Education

Student Safety

Transformation Schools
