Remote Learning and Family Supports
E-Learning Tool Support and Training
- Individual support and small groups for students with low participation during the building closure and families new to BPS
- Webinars and videos for families
- Offering in 8 languages besides English
Ongoing Parent Workshops and Learning Sessions
- Offerings based on parent and school feedback
- Continued offerings with Parent University, based on parent feedback
Access to Partner Programming
- Working with our BPS Partners on remote, and potentially in-person, programs
- Meeting with faith-based partners to determine willingness and capacity to house programs
School-Based Outreach and Support Efforts
- 43 schools with a family liaison that has been trained during the summer
- Teacher training in conducting home visits - virtual and community-based
- Guidance and recommendations for schools based on best practices
Remote Learning Improvements
Clarity: Create a more robust, cohesive infrastructure for equitable recovery in remote teaching and learning.
- DESE guidance: this is school, not emergency remote learning
- Regular school day
- Services for ELs, ELSWD, SWD
- Learning Management System
- Aspen for Scheduling and Attendance
- Panorama for Student Success
- Adaptive Learning Platforms
- Materials for At-Home Learning
- Two-way Multilingual Family Communication
- Transformative SEL practices daily in all classrooms
- Virtual Home Visits & Conferences
- Reframed Professional Learning to Support Remote Instruction
Support: Opportunities for all stakeholders to be supported in the implementation of equitable remote instruction.
- At-Home Learning Kits
- Ongoing Professional Learning
- Returning Boston Strong: Educator Summit
- LINCSpring
- School year launch training
- Multilingual, small group synchronous and asynchronous
family support/workshops - Digitized curriculum, prioritized standards
- Virtual Coaching and Walkthroughs
- Revised pacing, scope & sequence with aligned assessments
- Project-based learning supports
Accountability: Processes and methods for multiple levels of qualitative and quantitative feedback loops, ensuring equitable recovery.
- Equity Roundtables (bi-weekly)
- Continuous, quick cycles of improvement based on data
- Data Dashboards, school, region, district level
- Aspen - attendance
- Panorama - student success
- Illuminate - assessment
- Virtual Walkthroughs
- School-level adherence to guardrails
- English Learners - ESL course level attendance in Aspen
- Grading, Report Cards, and Progress Reports