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BPS Racial Equity Toolkit
It is the top priority of the Boston Public Schools to provide equity, access, and opportunity for every student while eliminating opportunity and achievement gaps. Research indicates that racial disparities exist in virtually every key indicator of child, family, and community wellbeing. Individual, instructional and structural impacts of race, racism, and other biases are pervasive, and significantly affect key life indicators of success.
The BPS Equity Impact Analysis Tool lays out a clear process and a set of questions to guide the development, implementation, and evaluation of significant policies, initiatives, professional development, programs, instructional practices, and budget issues to explicitly and intentionally create equity. To do this requires ending individual, institutional, and structural racism/bias, and deliberately, thoroughly, and consistently apply a rigorous equity lens to foster a barrier-free environment where all students, regardless of their race or background have the opportunity to achieve. This includes differentiating resource allocations, within budgetary limitations, to provide students with the support and opportunities they need to succeed academically and thrive.
Use this tool every time you are making or reviewing a significant decision as a school or district leader: The Equity Analysis Toolkit provides a set of guiding questions to determine if existing and proposed policies, budgetary allocations, programs, professional development, and instructional practices are likely to close the opportunity gaps for historically marginalized populations within Boston Public Schools.
To view the Equity Impact Analysis Tool, click here.
Restorative Justice
Opening Up, Students Transform a Vicious Cycle
Restorative Justice: One High Schools Path to Reducing Suspensions By Half
Centre for Justice and Reconciliation's 4 Part Tutorial on Restorative Justice
Additional Resources from BPS Departments