Haley Pilot School

    • Our instruction is inclusive, individualized, and based on students’ diverse strengths and needs. (Equity)
    • Every child is motivated to learn through memorable experiences and connections to our community. (Engagement)
    • Children and their families are affirmed, respected and engaged. (Community)

    Special Features

    • Schoolwide focus on community and environment
    • Partnership with Boston Nature Center
    • Supports the Comprehensive Behavioral Health Model (CBHM)
    • Beautiful schoolyard, outdoor classroom, and gardens
    • Many opportunities for parent engagement
    • Expeditionary learning

    Special academic programs

    • Full inclusion: Students in all grades with and without disabilities learn together in all classes with support to meet their individual learning needs.

    Before and after school programs in our building

    • Before school: Program for K-grade 5; fee. BOKS fitness programs for grades 6-8.
    •  After school, to 6:00 p.m.: Haley/YMCA After School Program


  • Principal
    Kathleen Sullivan

    570 American Legion Highway
    Roslindale 02131

    Phone: 617-635-8169
    Fax: 617-635-8173

    School Hours
    8:30 am - 2:30 pm

    Early Dismissal, the day before Thanksgiving and last two days of school: Noon

    Grades: K-6, 8
    School Type: Pilot