• IV-E-1: Shared Responsibility
    Needs Improvement
    Rarely reinforces schoolwide behavior and learning expectations for all students and/or makes a limited contribution to their learning by rarely sharing responsibility for meeting their needs. Within and beyond the classroom, inconsistently reinforces schoolwide behavior and learning expectations for all students, and/or makes a limited contribution to their learning by inconsistently sharing responsibility for meeting their needs. Within and beyond the classroom, consistently reinforces schoolwide behavior and learning expectations for all students, and contributes to their learning by sharing responsibility for meeting their needs. Individually and with colleagues develops strategies and actions that contribute to the learning and productive behavior of all students at the school. Is able to model this element.
    Coming Soon
    What instructional practices should be observed? What student impacts should be expected?
    For TEACHERS this may look like.
    1. Teacher does not refer to any interpersonal skills that students need to work effectively in groups.

    1. Teacher may refer to interpersonal skills that students need to work effectively in groups, but does not model or revisit these skills.

    1. Teacher explicitly names and models interpersonal skills that students need to work effectively in groups, models these skills, and provides opportunities for students to practice the skills.

    1. Teacher explicitly names and models interpersonal skills that students need to work effectively in groups, models these skills, and provides ongoing opportunities for students to practice and develop the skills.

    1. Teacher rarely allows students to work together on class activities, and few activities are designed to be collaborative.

    1. Teacher allows students to work together on class activities, but few activities are designed to be cooperative or collaborative.

    1. Teacher engages students in cooperative, collaborative learning activities in which they must rely on each other to be successful.

    1. Teacher engages students in cooperative learning activities in which they must rely on each other to be successful, as well as community building activities that allow students to develop relationships with their peers.

    1. Teacher always allows students to choose their groups, or always assigns students to the same group, regardless of the nature of the activity.

    1. Teacher usually allows students to choose their groups, or usually assigns students to the same group, regardless of the nature of the activity.

    1. Teacher uses a variety of grouping strategies that support student learning, such as allowing students to choose their groups or assigning students to groups.

    1. Teacher consistently uses a variety of grouping strategies that maximize student learning and build on students' strengths, such as allowing students to choose their groups or assigning students to groups.

    1. Teacher fails to provide students with instruction on how to work together.

    1. Teacher provides students with some instruction on how to work together but rarely communicates explicit roles for group work or monitors collaborative work.

    1. Teacher provides clear expectations for how students should collaborate, such as instruction on how to work together and explicit roles for group work.

    1. Teacher provides clear expectations for how students should collaborate, such as instruction on how to work together, explicit roles for group work.

    As a result, the IMPACT on STUDENTS may be...
    1. Students are not asked or expected to listen to or respond to each other.

    1. When prompted by the teacher, students struggle to listen to and respond to each other.

    1. When prompted by the teacher, students listen to and respond appropriately to each other.

    1. Without prompting from the teacher, students listen to and respond appropriately to each other.

    1. Students do not work respectfully or productively in pairs or groups, with some students failing to contribute or accomplish the assigned task.

    1. Students work respectfully in pairs or groups, but participate unevenly and do not all accomplish the assigned task.

    1. Students work respectfully and productively in pairs or groups, with each student contributing and accomplishing the assigned task.

    1. Students work respectfully, productively, and equitably in pairs or groups, and students seek each other out as resources when necessary.

    1. Students do not employ any conflict resolution strategies or engage the teacher when there is a disagreement.

    1. Students immediately request teacher intervention, without first employing any other conflict resolution strategies.

    1. Students employ conflict resolution strategies to resolve any disagreements.

    1. Students communicate proactively to prevent conflict, and employ conflict resolution strategies to resolve any disagreements.

    Coming Soon
    Coming Soon
    Resource Name Description Type
    new! 5 Actions of Highly Effective ILTs Lists indicators, consideration questions, suggestions, and resources for each of the five actions of Highly Effective ILTs (2020). Document Link
    Do you have a resource that you want to recommend for this element? Email us at eval@bostonpublicschools.org with the subject line "Interactive Rubric Resource Recommendation" in the email.