Are you planning to get a job this summer? Keep in mind that you must have an Employment Permit, sometimes called working papers. The first step is to find an employer who is willing to hire you.
IF YOU ARE 14 OR 15:
1. Get a white Promise of Employment Card from your guidance counselor/student support coordinator or your school's main office.
2. Take this card to your doctor's office or health center and have a doctor or nurse sign and date it. If you have not had a physical within the last year, make an appointment to have one. If you have had a physical in your school within the last year, your school nurse can sign and date the card.
3. Take this card to the prospective employer to fill out, sign, and date.
4. Take your Promise of Employment Card back to your guidance counselor/student support coordinator or main office and ask for an Employment Permit. It is also white, but larger than the Promise of Employment Card.
5. Fill out the Employment Permit and have your parent or guardian sign it on the back.
6. Once your parent or guardian has signed it, bring the completed Employment Permit to your employer.