
    Our five week summer learning academy program is staffed by a dynamic combination of Thompson Island Outward Bound facilitators and certified Boston Public Schools middle school teachers, leading students through challenging activities designed to help them grow as scholars, leaders and scientific-thinkers.

    Students spend each morning becoming experts in different ecosystems and organisms during science lessons in the classroom, and afternoons exploring these concepts through hands-on field activities on the island. When they’re not investigating the salt marsh, groups can be found playing teamwork building games, making beach art and climbing elements on our ropes course.

    Small group sizes help students grow academically with 1-on-1 support from educators, and allows them to build meaningful and lasting relationships with their peers while they collaborate on projects and overcome challenges together.

    LOCATION: Thompson Island (Boston Harbor Island)

    DATES: Monday, July 6 to Friday, August 7

    HOURS: 8am-5:00pm

    AGES SERVED: 5th grade

    TRANSPORTATION: Yes (from several Dorchester locations)

    COST: Free for BPS Students


    APPLICATION: Available in the main office

    PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Shalese Ford, Ailbhe Kerrigan

    CONTACT INFO: sford@thompsonisland.org, akerrigan@bostonpublicschools.org