Camp Shriver is…
- For Boys and Girls, ages 8–12
- FREE (after a $25 registration fee)
- Includes FREE breakfast, lunch, snacks, and camp gear
- Includes FREE transportation from designated pick-up/drop-off sites in several area communities
- Provides sports instruction in soccer, swimming, basketball, and more
- Inclusive: 50% of campers are children with a disability and 50% are children without a disability.
Camp Shriver 2020 will be held…
- Monday, July 6–Friday, July 31, 2020
- Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–2 p.m.
- On the UMass Boston campus (100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston MA 02125)
Learn more about what Camp Shriver offers. Families from the Brockton area, please see Camp Shriver at Stonehill College.
To stay in touch with Camp Shriver, sign up for the Camp Shriver seasonal newsletter.
Camp Shriver Campers are…
Our campers are boys and girls, ages 8-12, who live in Boston and Quincy, MA.
Our campers with disabilities are currently receiving special education services in public schools and have mild intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Our campers without disabilities are not receiving special education services in school. They are the same ages as our campers with disabilities and come from the same school systems.
Camp Shriver treats all of our campers as equal-status campers. Campers with and without disabilities are grouped together in teams (i.e., a team of 10 will include 5 campers with a disability and 5 campers without a disability) and participate in all activities together.
Camp Shriver has guidelines that reflect the type of facilities we have and our ability to accommodate children within a range of challenges. At this time, for example, we are unable to accommodate a child who is not mobile, who is visually impaired, or requires a one-to-one aid. Camp Shriver’s admission committee assesses whether a child’s needs can be met by our facilities, staff, etc. Admission by lottery proceeds after these guidelines have been met. For more information about the Camp Shriver admission process, please contact Regine Paul at 617.287.7251 or regine.paul@umb.edu.
The 2020 Camp Shriver Application is now available. The application is due on March 24 and requires a number of attachments. Please read the application carefully and contact Camp Shriver with any questions. Camp Shriver 2020 will be held July 6-31, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., on the UMass Boston campus. Download the 2020 Camp Shriver application here.
Teacher Survey
Please ask your child’s classroom teacher to fill out the survey before the application deadline (March 24). Download a copy of the Teacher Survey here.